You've got to love a cookbook that has its own manifesto.
The Butch MAN-ifesto. Our objective is simple. We're men. Men who like cupcakes. Not the frilly pink-frosted sprinkles-and-unicorns kind of cupcakes. We make manly cupcakes. For manly men. (Butch Bakery|New York)
I stumbled across this book while browsing the virtual library shelves of my local online library catalog. I'm ashamed to say the title alone was too good to pass-up. Apparently, I'm a sucker for something that is smartly branded, and the juxtaposition between butch and bakery caught my eye. I put the book on hold and had it delivered to my local branch.
Written by David Arrick, a former asset-backed securities dealer on Wall Street, The Butch Bakery Cookbook comes in at a solid 192 pages with plenty of color pictures. According to the Butch Bakery website, when Arrick read a magazine article mentioning that cupcakes were a combination of everything "pink, sweet, cute and magical" he decided to take action and "butch it up." (Really, I have no comment.)
A word of warning, this is not a cookbook for teetotalers. The recipes include liberal use of brandy, bourbon, Bailey's, whiskey and all sorts of wonderful spirits that butch up prissy cupcakes and pack a punch. As some of you know, my office colleagues regularly demand that I bring baked-goods to work with me. I decided to try out the Sidecar recipe and not only was it a hit, I was also told that I should have brought in enough for each person in the office to have two cupcakes, rather than one. I reminded them that they were fortunate to have one cupcake, and snarled in their general directions.
So, what was in the Sidecar? Well, at press-time I had not received permission to post the recipe but I can tell you this: the Sidecar is a delicious cupcake that is comprised of a lemon cake, drenched in brandy, with a cointreau/brandy buttercream. Yes, it is as decadent as it sounds. And, it's like doing a shot and eating cake at the same time! Because none of the liquor is cooked-out, not only do you taste it, but you get that immediate contact buzz from the sugar and the alcohol.
If they behave, my office colleagues will soon be getting some B-52s (yellow cake/Bailey's buttercream) and some Really Hot Dogs (chile-spike devil's food cake/dark and white chocolate-chile buttercream). Yes, I broke down and bought the book. It was cheap. Last time I looked $8.00. You can get it here: The Butch Bakery Cookbook [Amazon Link].
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