Tuesday, December 31, 2013

2014 - The Year of the 50s!


During 2014, Retro Gourmets will dedicate itself to the food of the fabulous fifties.  As a year-long project, we will cook our way through Publications International's Best-Loved Food of the '50s.  Each week, one or two recipes from the book will be highlighted, along with the ups and downs of making each one.  Yes, we'll tackle the easy ones; we'll also tackle the hard ones.  Along the way, your hosts Alex and Zuaelie (cooking from A to Z!) will thrown in some 50s trivia, fun facts and cooking tips -- often highlighting some kitchen products they can't live with out.  Have a question?  Post in the comments and they will do their best to answer.  Although not professional chefs, each one carries extensive cooking experience in a variety of settings.  No, they are not fussy, just practical.  And, they know how to make due with what they have!

Want to follow along?  Purchase your copy of the book at Amazon by clicking here: Best-Loved Food of the 50s